Today, I am celebrating...
Can you guess the city?
Let me fill you in on what's been going on lately! As some of you know, it has been my dream to move to California for a little while now. Ever since my last trip to the West Coast, I have been mentally, emotionally, spiritually and financially preparing for "the big move". It finally hit me one morning this past summer; I decided I would take a road trip across country and start a new beginning in California the following spring. (It's true, just ask my mother.) Well, get this...
Golden Gate Bridge
On that trip to California, I made an effort to visit my federal agency's office in San Francisco and meet with some of the staff. Fast forward a few months and you'd find me starting to apply to several federal positions...all located in the sunny state. Well, needless to say, the amount of government job postings that are cancelled, postponed or for internal promotion only are many...and I wasn't having much luck. Being continually promoted at my current agency has been wonderful, but my desire to move outweighed my desire to stay. So, I kept trying. And trying. And trying some more. And all the while believing that my dream would one day turn to reality. Right? The truth is, I wanted to exhaust all of my government opportunities before looking elsewhere...
Well, by the time the recent holiday season hit I started thinking it was time to switch up my game plan. I began networking outside of the government, talking with family, looking into the Peace Corps...and seriously entertaining the idea of traveling full-time for a few months. You see, sometimes you just have this desire to keep moving, keep going, keep living in a new way. I promised myself I would at least meet my 3-year mark with the government for better reinstatement purposes down the road (if need be). Then I could pursue whatever path I wanted...
So I submitted my last government application...and it just so happened to be for a position within my agency's San Francisco office. Since this kind of opportunity is rare, I didn't think much of it...and was more focused on making travel plans than anything else. A few days later, I sat down with a coworker and asked her what I needed to know about leaving the federal government and what the protocols were for reinstatement, if I chose to come back later on. She told me what she thought and asked for my resume. She said she didn't personally know anyone in our SF office, but figured it couldn't hurt to relay my information anyway. The next day was my 3-year workaversary...and I had an email request for a phone interview with two of the men I'd met when I visited the SF office!
Timing is everything. Who knew that I would apply for a position working directly under people I had already met...and that they would recognize my name and immediately get in touch with me?! We had a splendid phone interview that day (I technically already had an in-person interview) and I was offered the job two days later. Within one week, everything I was hoping for became a reality...and even better than I could have imagined! The location, the job, the time frame...all came to be. And now I'm in the process of relocating my life to the West Coast via road trip! Sometimes when God opens a door, he pushes you through it!
My new car?
I am ecstatic to begin this new chapter in my life. There is so much to look forward to! A fabulous city, new relationships, career exploration, plenty of travel opportunities, etc. I have A LOT of planning to do and, while a little overwhelmed, trust that everything will fall into place. It's amazing how when something is right...even the small details play a big part in the process! Please keep me in your thoughts and prayers as I plan, travel & begin this new adventure. Not only do I have a lot to 'wrap up' over the next few weeks, I also have plans to travel abroad! Talk about a packed schedule!
It's not going to be easy saying goodbye to friends and family (or my pups!), but I'm lucky to have such a huge support system on the East Coast. I just hope I can keep it together until I leave! Regardless...
Life is a beautiful adventure.
Here's to following your dreams :)

Images courtesy of © 2013 Chateau de Victoria and Pinterest